Ministry and Social Action

​​​At San Sisto College the Dominican motto of verbo et exemplo (by word and example) is lived as we aim to invite others to experience the power of God that is present in our lives. This is achieved through several ministry and Social Justice activities. Here, students put their learning about the mission of Christ into action in their world, raising awareness of the experiences and stories of those within our community and beyond who are marginalised and vulnerable.

Our ministries and social action include:

Advocacy and Partnership with Boys' Colleges

Our senior students are provided with several opportunities to combine with students from boys' schools to take action and raise awareness of social justice issues.

One of these is the combined Social Justice Initiative with Villanova College, where students plan and co-create initiatives to support Emannuel City Mission.  Together, students share in some of the service opportunities at the mission, united by the common goal of assisting those experiencing homelessness. 

Our San Sisto students annually participate in the Iona College Social Justice and Mission Expo (JAM). Here, they combine with many schools and have the opportunity to not only raise awareness for the causes that are close to their own hearts but work with other students from various colleges to be further inspired in this area. 

San Sisto College students serve food at Emmanuel City Mission with Villanova College students.

Accompanied by staff members, our Year 12 students can participate in outreach to the homeless on the stree

ts of Brisbane at two separate locations. After a comprehensive training program, students are able to 

join the Rosies volunteers in bringing tea, coffee, and snacks and, most importantly, conversation and time to our disadvantaged community members.

Social Justice Group

This group is student-led by our Year 12 Faith and Justice leaders. Students in

Years 7 to 12 are welcome to join, and the focus is on raising awareness in our College community of Social Justice issues. Some of these include homelessness, period poverty, people trafficking, modern slavery, and more. This group also works to raise money for the needy and supports the work of organisations such as Caritas, Catholic Mission, Dominican Communities and more.

This group hosts an annual Justice Afternoon to which students and staff from other secondary schools are invited. A guest speaker is invited to address a particular social justice issue as determined by our Social Justice group.

St Vincent De Paul Society

St Vincent De Paul Society provides support to people living in poverty or seeking assistance from homelessness, disaster recovery and more. Students at San Sisto College support this very important work through the collection and donation of goods to create Christmas hampers to go to local homes. The Vinnies Winter Appeal is another initiative supported by our student and assists those sleeping rough to find some warmth and comfort. San Sisto also holds a virtual annual sleepout to gain some empathy and understanding about homelessness in Brisbane.


​The following link will provide you with Brisbane Catholic Education's ​information relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in relation to curriculum, students and staffing opportunities:

Brisbane Catholic Education ​First Nations Resources


Students in Years 7-12 are invited to join the San Sisto Greenies. The Greenies inspired by Pope Francis' Laudato Si aim to raise awareness in the College community of environmental issues and to 'make a difference' to our College and local environment, based on Catholic teachings of Stewardship and the integral ecology. T his group gets involved in projects like Clean Up Australia Day, presents environmental messages to the College, and looks for other ways to care for creation.​

Music Ministry

Music ministry at San Sisto is highly valued and integral to liturgical life at the College. The Liturgical Band comes together regularly throughout the school year to learn and play music at College Masses and liturgies. It is an excellent opportunity for students of all ages to learn an instrument while further enhancing their connection to God.

There are also opportunities to join the choir and sing at Brisbane Archdiocesan Events such as the Ascension Mass, Caritas Launch at the Cathedral and to combine with other choirs, such as the Iona College Choir, for rehearsals and performances.

Altar Servers

Altar serving is an important liturgical ministry and one way our students can become involved and contribute to the celebration of the Eucharist at San Sisto. Servers offer themselves – their faith, time, and talent – for the benefit of others and so build up the worshipping community at our College. For more information see our Campus Minister.


​​​© Brisbane Catholic Education, San Sisto College (2024).
